No internet connection after boot


System setup:
Clean 12.1 install on brand new disk. Nothing special.
eth0 -> local LAN
eth1 -> to DSL modem (dsl0)
dsl0 -> to internet
All devices are set to STARTMODE=‘auto’ and USERCONTROL=‘no’

After every reboot ifconfig only shows eth0 device. To access the internet I either need to run yast and configure something in DSL or network connection or run “systemctl start network.service”.
I read but could not find a solution to my problem. After reboot systemctl list-units -t service --all shows:

UNIT                      LOAD   ACTIVE     SUB     JOB   DESCRIPTION
acpid.service             loaded active     running       ACPI Event Daemon
alsa-restore.service      loaded inactive   dead          Restore Sound Card State
alsa-store.service        loaded inactive   dead          Store Sound Card State
apparmor.service          error  inactive   dead          apparmor.service
auditd.service            error  inactive   dead          auditd.service
avahi-daemon.service      loaded active     running       Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack
bluez-coldplug.service    loaded inactive   dead    start LSB: handles udev coldplug of bluetooth dongles
bootsplash-quit.service   loaded active     exited        Terminate bootsplash
bootspla...utdown.service loaded inactive   dead          Start bootsplash for shutdown/reboot
bootspla...tartup.service loaded active     exited        Start bootsplash
cifs.service              loaded inactive   dead          LSB: Import remote SMB/ CIFS (MS Windows) file systems
console-...daemon.service loaded active     running       Console Manager
console-...-start.service loaded active     exited        Console System Startup Logging
cpufreq.service           loaded active     exited        LSB: CPUFreq modules loader
cron.service              loaded active     running       Command Scheduler
cups.service              loaded inactive   dead    start LSB: CUPS printer daemon
cupsd.service             error  inactive   dead          cupsd.service
cycle.service             loaded active     exited        LSB: Set default boot entry if called
dbus-org...anager.service error  inactive   dead          dbus-org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.service
dbus.service              loaded active     running       D-Bus System Message Bus
device-mapper.service     masked inactive   dead          device-mapper.service
dhcpd.service             loaded inactive   dead    start LSB: ISC DHCP 4.x Server
dmraid.service            loaded inactive   dead          LSB: start dmraid
dnsmasq.service           loaded inactive   dead          LSB: Starts internet name service masq caching server (DNS)
earlysyslog.service       masked inactive   dead          earlysyslog.service
earlyxdm.service          masked inactive   dead          earlyxdm.service
emergency.service         loaded inactive   dead          Emergency Shell
fbset.service             loaded active     exited        LSB: Framebuffer setup
firstboot.service         error  inactive   dead          firstboot.service
fsck-root.service         loaded inactive   dead          File System Check on Root Device
fsck@dev...dpart3.service loaded inactive   dead          File System Check on /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST3500320NS_9QMBMG8Q-part3
fsck@dev...dpart1.service loaded inactive   dead          File System Check on /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST3500820AS_9QM1WH3P-part1
getty@tty1.service        loaded active     running       Getty on tty1
gpm.service               loaded inactive   dead          LSB: Console mouse support
halt-local.service        loaded inactive   dead          /etc/init.d/halt.local Compatibility
halt.service              loaded inactive   dead          Halt
haveged.service           loaded active     running       Haveged Entropy Gathering Daemon
isdn.service              error  inactive   dead          isdn.service
kbd.service               masked inactive   dead          kbd.service
ldap.service              error  inactive   dead          ldap.service
loadmodules.service       masked inactive   dead          loadmodules.service
localfs.service           loaded inactive   dead          Shadow /etc/init.d/boot.localfs
localnet.service          loaded active     exited        LSB: setup hostname and yp
lvm.service               loaded active     exited        LSB: start logical volumes
lwresd.service            error  inactive   dead          lwresd.service
mcelog.service            loaded inactive   dead    start LSB: Machine Check Architecture/Error (MCA/MCE) implementations
md.service                loaded inactive   dead          LSB: Multiple Device RAID
microcode.ctl.service     loaded active     exited        LSB: CPU microcode updater
multipath.service         loaded inactive   dead          LSB: Create multipath device targets
mysql.service             loaded inactive   dead          LSB: Start the MySQL database server
named.service             loaded inactive   dead    start LSB: Domain Name System (DNS) server, named
ndsd.service              error  inactive   dead          ndsd.service
network-remotefs.service  loaded inactive   dead    start LSB: Configure the remote-fs depending network interfaces
network.service           loaded activating start   start LSB: Configure the localfs depending network interfaces loaded inactive   dead          Network Manager Wait Online
NetworkManager.service    loaded failed     failed        Network Manager
nfs.service               loaded inactive   dead          LSB: NFS client services
nfsserver.service         error  inactive   dead          nfsserver.service
nmb.service               loaded inactive   dead    start LSB: Samba NetBIOS naming service over IP
nscd.service              loaded inactive   dead    start LSB: Start Name Service Cache Daemon
openibd.service           error  inactive   dead          openibd.service
plymouth...t-wait.service error  inactive   dead          plymouth-quit-wait.service
plymouth-start.service    error  inactive   dead          plymouth-start.service
poweroff.service          loaded inactive   dead          Power-Off
printbill.service         error  inactive   dead          printbill.service
ptal.service              error  inactive   dead          ptal.service
purge-kernels.service     loaded active     exited        LSB: Purge old kernels
rc-local.service          loaded active     exited        /etc/init.d/boot.local Compatibility
reboot.service            loaded inactive   dead          Reboot
remount-rootfs.service    loaded active     exited        Remount Root FS
rescue.service            loaded inactive   dead          Rescue Shell
resmgr.service            error  inactive   dead          resmgr.service
rpcbind.service           loaded inactive   dead          LSB: TI-RPC program number mapper
rsyslog.service           error  inactive   dead          rsyslog.service
scsidev.service           error  inactive   dead          scsidev.service
shutdown.service          error  inactive   dead          shutdown.service
slpd.service              error  inactive   dead          slpd.service
smb.service               loaded inactive   dead    start LSB: Samba SMB/CIFS file and print server
splash.service            loaded active     exited        LSB: Splash screen setup
splash_early.service      loaded inactive   dead    start LSB: kills animation after network start
sshd.service              loaded inactive   dead    start LSB: Start the sshd daemon
storage-...tsetup.service loaded active     exited        Restart storage after crypsetup
SuSEfire...2_init.service loaded active     exited        LSB: SuSEfirewall2 phase 1
SuSEfire..._setup.service loaded inactive   dead    start LSB: SuSEfirewall2 phase 2
syslog-ng.service         error  inactive   dead          syslog-ng.service
syslog.service            loaded active     running       System Logging Service
systemd-...onsole.service loaded inactive   dead          Dispatch Password Requests to Console
systemd-...d-wall.service loaded inactive   dead          Forward Password Requests to Wall
systemd-binfmt.service    loaded inactive   dead          Set Up Additional Binary Formats
systemd-initctl.service   loaded inactive   dead          /dev/initctl Compatibility Daemon
systemd-...yslogd.service loaded inactive   dead          Syslog Kernel Log Buffer Bridge
systemd-logind.service    loaded active     running       Login Service
systemd-...s-load.service loaded inactive   dead          Load Kernel Modules
systemd-...d-load.service loaded inactive   dead          Load Random Seed
systemd-...d-save.service loaded inactive   dead          Save Random Seed
systemd-...ollect.service loaded active     running       Collect Read-Ahead Data
systemd-...d-done.service loaded inactive   dead          Stop Read-Ahead Data Collection
systemd-...replay.service loaded active     exited        Replay Read-Ahead Data
systemd-...pi-vfs.service loaded active     exited        Remount API VFS
systemd-shutdownd.service loaded inactive   dead          Delayed Shutdown Service
systemd-...bridge.service loaded active     running       STDOUT Syslog Bridge
systemd-sysctl.service    loaded active     exited        Apply Kernel Variables
systemd-...-clean.service loaded inactive   dead          Cleanup of Temporary Directories
systemd-...-setup.service loaded active     exited        Recreate Volatile Files and Directories
systemd-...nlevel.service loaded inactive   dead    start Notify Audit System and Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes
systemd-...utdown.service loaded inactive   dead          Notify Audit System and Update UTMP about System Shutdown
systemd-...ssions.service loaded active     exited        Permit User Sessions
systemd-...-setup.service loaded active     exited        Setup Virtual Console
udev-trigger.service      loaded active     exited        udev Coldplug all Devices
udev.service              loaded active     running       udev Kernel Device Manager
winbind.service           error  inactive   dead          winbind.service
xdm.service               loaded active     running       LSB: X Display Manager
xdrsetsite.service        error  inactive   dead          xdrsetsite.service
xntpd.service             error  inactive   dead          xntpd.service
YaST2-Firstboot.service   loaded inactive   dead          YaST2 Firstboot
YaST2-Se...-Stage.service loaded inactive   dead          YaST2 Second Stage
ypbind.service            loaded inactive   dead          LSB: Start ypbind (necessary for a NIS client)
ypserv.service            error  inactive   dead          ypserv.service

LOAD   = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded.
ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB.
SUB    = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type.
JOB    = Pending job for the unit.

systemctl list-units -t target shows:

118 units listed.
   1          start           waiting
   2         start           waiting
  68 systemd-...nlevel.service start           waiting
  75            start           waiting
  91 splash_early.service      start           waiting
  92 cups.service              start           waiting
  94 mcelog.service            start           waiting
  97 bluez-coldplug.service    start           waiting
  98 named.service             start           waiting
  99         start           waiting
 101 nscd.service              start           waiting
 102 nmb.service               start           waiting
 103 smb.service               start           waiting
 104 dhcpd.service             start           waiting
 105 SuSEfire..._setup.service start           waiting
 106 network-remotefs.service  start           waiting
 107 network.service           start           running
 109 sshd.service              start           waiting
 114 systemd-...ead-done.timer start           waiting

systemctl show -p “Requires” network.service


systemctl show -p “Wants” network.service

Anyone could probably help me finding the issue here?

Well, when your eth1 is not configured after boot, I guess we should have a look at /etc/sysconfig/network and the file* ifcfg-eth1* there. Please post the ooutput of

cat /etc/sysconfig/network/eth*

I checked this already. The only differences between ifcfg-eth0 and ifcfg-eth1 are the names an IP addresses. diff ifcfg-eth0 ifcfg-eth1 shows:

< NAME='MCP77 Ethernet'
> NAME='DECchip 21142/43'

The content of ifcfg-eth0 is:

NAME='MCP77 Ethernet'

The content ofifcfg-dsl0 is


The strange thing is that after i type (sometimes i need to do this two times) “systemctl start network.service” everything works. Thus, I suspect that systemd is not aware that eth1 and dsl0 should be started directly.
I also enabled LogLevel=debug and LogTarget=syslog-or-kmsg in /etc/systemd/system.conf but could not see anything strange in /var/log/messages

When I am asked to post the ouput of cat /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth*, I post:

boven:~ # cat /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth*
NAME='82801G (ICH7 Family) LAN Controller'
boven:~ # 

Thus everybody can see what my prompt is (reveal the working directory and the user) that I pasted the required command correct (sometimes people do not copy/paste, but make typos), and the required complete output (which is shown by the new prompt).

I may post other things that I think might be of interest, but I at least would post what is asked for. This may be of minor interest here, but offering something like a diff output instead might hide something crucial. Do not forget you are having a problem. You are allready working on it for some time and you most probably will have looked into many places where you decided “these are of no interest to my problem”. But you did not find it. Others will proably walk another path in getting the information that might help them to find what your problem is. That is good, because often the original debugger walked into some path with a dead end. A refreshing new approach might lead to an Eureka. Please do not hamper other people helping you in not giving them what they ask for (or at least give arguments why you don’t). They might get irritated and go elsewhere without even telling you.

After this small lesson in “how to help people trying to help you”, please relax :wink:

When you have the idea that systemd might be doing this, then use the old sysvinit by pressing F5 when in the boot screen. When this functions to your satisfaction, the following step (but we can discuss that here) could be using sysvinit automaticaly (by-pass) and filing a bug report.

As you wish. Here is the output of cat /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth*:

hal:/etc/sysconfig/network # cat /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth*
NAME='MCP77 Ethernet'
NAME='DECchip 21142/43'

Since it does work sometimes, when started manually, I suspect systemd too. Reboot, hit F5 in GRUB, pick Sytem V as the initprogram and let us know what happens.

Reboot, hit F5 in GRUB, pick Sytem V as the initprogram and let us know what happens.

With this, everything works like a charm.

Two things here:

  1. I want this new fancy systemd thing everybody else is so excited about. So I will continue, hopefully with your help, to find a solution to my problem. I don’t think that my system setup is that special.
  2. I don’t want to waste your time. If you just could point me in the right direction to find the error. Something like enable debug here, look at the following … Just something where I can start searching for the problem.

One strange thing that i just found during my different reboots is that sometimes systemd starts dsl0. But it never starts eth1.

When you have the idea that systemd might be doing this, then use the old sysvinit by pressing F5 when in the boot screen. When this functions to your satisfaction, the following step (but we can discuss that here) could be using sysvinit automaticaly (by-pass) and filing a bug report.

I stay to my text: file a bug (documenetd as good as possible). And the cooperate with the people behind the Bugzilla in providing more information if they ask for it. They are the developers and know much better where to look and check the code then we can do.

There are already serveral systemd related bugs e.g. Access Denied Access Denied