upstream vs opensuse branding - what are they?

My first question is what is the difference between upstream and opensuse branding. And what are they?
Secondly, the gnome 3 repos come with gnome 3 blue branding, not open suse esque… is there any way to make it consistent easily, hence question one.

On 04/23/2011 02:06 AM, StephenS1949 wrote:
> My first question is what is the difference between upstream and
> opensuse branding. And what are they?

when (say) the Firefox folks releases software it is has built in (some
or all of) logos, icons, color themes etc in keeping with their wishes…

the openSUSE developers, designers, packagers might decide that
switching to some shade of green for a Firefox color theme and maybe
adding “openSUSE Ready” to the title bar is just what is needed to mesh
with openSUSE…

if they wanted, they could do that and ‘ship’ Firefox with openSUSE
branding…but, you the user could elect to dump that and go back to
exactly the way the Firefox folks designed it upstream (before it
flowed down to here)…

> Secondly, the gnome 3 repos come with gnome 3 blue branding, not open
> suse esque… is there any way to make it consistent easily, hence
> question one.

i can’t help with that part…but, if you are asking why there is no
openSUSE branding (yet), i’d say that there are only so many hands
working on that project…and, when first delivered (what, a week ago)
it would not run, i’d say the hands available followed the correct
priority and saved the less important how-it-looks work for after the
get-it-running-smooth work is finished.

perhaps you would like to contribute to the hands available by joining
the Art Team, and thereby helping to next time get it looking pretty
within a week of upstream release?

[openSUSE 11.3 + KDE4.5.5 + Thunderbird3.1.8 via NNTP]
A Penguin Being Tickled -

Although I would love to be arty, its not my forte. I’m in development at Microsoft… not exactly sure why that happened haha. I would however, be very interested in joining one of the dev teams here at opensuse, I used to contribute to the ubuntu project a few years back, but other commitments from work pulled me away
The reason I asked about the opensuse branding is that I remembered seeing some opensuse branded packages in the tell a while ago, but wasn’t sure of their purpose. Thanks for the info :slight_smile:

On 04/23/2011 11:36 AM, StephenS1949 wrote:
> Although I would love to be arty, its not my forte. I’m in development
> at Microsoft… not exactly sure why that happened haha. I would
> however, be very interested in joining one of the dev teams here at
> opensuse

dive in, the water is fine…
and free of most corporate encumbrances:

[openSUSE 11.3 + KDE4.5.5 + Thunderbird3.1.8 via NNTP]
A Penguin Being Tickled -