Gnome 3 & 11.4 Known Issues & Workarounds


After successfully upgrading to Gnome 3 can’t find yast

Any suggestions ?

If you run (alt+F2) alacarte, is YaST checked? If not check it and see if the items appear. It’s a known bug with the branding (not sure of the reference #). I have it with the desktop. Netbook is fine as that was a fresh install from the Gnome 3.0 LiveCD.

If that doesn’t work, you need to use alacarte to re-create and add it back in.

Typed alacarte at the (alt+F2) run box , nothing appeared on pressing return.

Then did

user0@linux-so4e:~> alacarte 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/alacarte", line 22, in <module>
    from Alacarte.MainWindow import MainWindow
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Alacarte/", line 19, in <module>
    import gtk, gmenu, gobject, gio
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/", line 40, in <module>
    from gtk import _gtk
ImportError: could not import gobject (could not find _PyGObject_API object)

Then to check its installation status

linux-so4e:/home/user0 # zypper install alacarte
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
'alacarte' is already installed.
No update candidate for 'alacarte-0.13.2-8.1.x86_64'. The highest available version is already installed.
Resolving package dependencies...

Nothing to do.

So what priority is your Gnome repository?

linux-so4e:/home/user0 # zypper lr -d
#  | Alias                    | Name                       | Enabled | Refresh | Priority | Type   | URI                                                                        | Service
 1 | GAMES                    | GAMES                      | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md | [Index of /repositories/games/openSUSE_11.4](             |        
 2 | GNOME_STABLE_3.0         | GNOME_STABLE_3.0           | Yes     | No      |   99     | rpm-md | [Index of /repositories/GNOME:/STABLE:/3.0/openSUSE_11.4]( |        
 3 | | Packman Repository         | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md | [Index of /pub/mirrors/packman/suse/openSUSE_11.4/](         |        
 4 | google-chrome            | google-chrome              | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |                        |        
 5 | google-earth             | google-earth               | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |                         |        
 6 | nVidia Graphics Drivers  | nVidia Graphics Drivers    | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |                                   |        
 7 | repo-debug               | openSUSE-11.4-Debug        | No      | Yes     |   99     | NONE   | [Index of /debug/distribution/11.4/repo/oss](             |        
 8 | repo-debug-update        | openSUSE-11.4-Update-Debug | No      | Yes     |   99     | NONE   | [Index of /debug/update/11.4](                            |        
 9 | repo-non-oss             | openSUSE-11.4-Non-Oss      | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | yast2  | [Index of /distribution/11.4/repo/non-oss](               |        
10 | repo-oss                 | openSUSE-11.4-Oss          | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | yast2  | [Index of /distribution/11.4/repo/oss](                   |        
11 | repo-source              | openSUSE-11.4-Source       | No      | Yes     |   99     | NONE   | [Index of /source/distribution/11.4/repo/oss](            |        
12 | repo-update              | openSUSE-11.4-Update       | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md | [Index of /update/11.4](

I am 100% sure that I ran

zypper mr -p 98 -r GNOME_STABLE_3.0 

as per instructions at openSUSE:GNOME 3.0 - openSUSE

Does it say to have refresh off?

Actually these are the steps that I followed

Text upgrade

If you prefer to use a text upgrade, do the following (as root), after closing all running applications:

add GNOME:STABLE:3.0 repository:
# zypper ar obs://GNOME:STABLE:3.0/openSUSE_11.4 GNOME_STABLE_3.0

ensure it is configured as auto-refresh and get more priority than other openSUSE 11.4 repositories:
# zypper mr -p 98 -r GNOME_STABLE_3.0

do the upgrade (close any running program before doing that):
# zypper dup

ensure GNOME Shell and GNOME3 theme are installed:
# zypper in gnome-shell metatheme-adwaita-common

when the upgrade is complete, reboot your system:
$ sudo /sbin/reboot

I missed the following step but completed it later.

ensure GNOME Shell and GNOME3 theme are installed:
# zypper in gnome-shell metatheme-adwaita-common

This is the first RPM based system that I am using. I really don’t know much about the package management system.

Now what should I do ? Activate autorefresh for that repo ? How to do that from the Terminal ?

linux-so4e:/home/user0 # zypper lr -d
#  | Alias                    | Name                       | Enabled | Refresh | Priority | Type   | URI                                                                        | Service
 1 | GAMES                    | GAMES                      | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |             |        
 2 | GNOME_STABLE_3.0         | GNOME_STABLE_3.0           | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md | |        
 3 | | Packman Repository         | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |         |        
 4 | google-chrome            | google-chrome              | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |                        |        
 5 | google-earth             | google-earth               | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |                         |        
 6 | nVidia Graphics Drivers  | nVidia Graphics Drivers    | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |                                   |        
 7 | repo-debug               | openSUSE-11.4-Debug        | No      | Yes     |   99     | NONE   |             |        
 8 | repo-debug-update        | openSUSE-11.4-Update-Debug | No      | Yes     |   99     | NONE   |                            |        
 9 | repo-non-oss             | openSUSE-11.4-Non-Oss      | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | yast2  |               |        
10 | repo-oss                 | openSUSE-11.4-Oss          | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | yast2  |                   |        
11 | repo-source              | openSUSE-11.4-Source       | No      | Yes     |   99     | NONE   |            |        
12 | repo-update              | openSUSE-11.4-Update       | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md | 

Okay autorefresh enabled. But the priorities are all set to 99. So what should be the value of the Gnome 3 repo ?

Run the following, I would logout and switch to a console login as well;

zypper mr -p 98 GNOME_STABLE_3.0
zypper dup

I am stuck with same problem,no YAST here too

First of all, please don’t get irritated. I took a step without asking you.

I changed the priority of the Gnome repo to 98 via yast using Terminal.
Then did

zypper dup

but in Desktop mode.

I just logged out from Gnome , presssed ctrl+alt+F1 >>>>logged in as myself >>>then su to gain root>>>then did

zypper mr -p 98 GNOME_STABLE_3.0
zypper dup

It says nothing to do.

Sorry again.

same here “zypper dup” turns up nothing
off to sleep then

Ok check your repo priority has changed, then force the install of alacarte (so it re-installs)

zypper in -f alacarte

Did that. Now alacarte opens, but can’t find yast in it.

So add a new entry under Preferences->System;

Type: Application
Name: YaST
Command: /usr/bin/xdg-su -c /sbin/yast2

Then click on the icon and browse to /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps and select yast.png and you should be good to go.

Done ! Success :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot.

Gem of information,

The reason YaST goes missing is it is flagged as ‘settings’ which, by default, is not shown under Gnome 3 applications -> A design decision by the Gnome 3 developers.

I personally, have not tried alacarte, but looked into how Gnome 3 chooses its application list. It turns out that it uses information in the /usr/share/applications/ folder, specifically the .desktop files.

The initial code in the YaST.desktop file is:

[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Administrator Settings
Exec=/usr/bin/xdg-su -c /sbin/yast2

Removing the ‘Settings’ flag in Categories gives

[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Administrator Settings
Exec=/usr/bin/xdg-su -c /sbin/yast2

Restarting Gnome (or the system) puts YaST back into the applications menu under System tools. Voila :slight_smile:

For a wealth of information on Gnome 3 and how to customise it visit:
Customizing the GNOME Shell « Musings of an OS plumber

@malcolm -

Ok check your repo priority has changed, then force the install of alacarte (so it re-installs)

alacarte is missing in the new gnome repository :-(It was present in the 2.X related repossitory only

You must be able to force it down? Alternatively, doing as in my post will bring applications back. It works alongside alacarte causing no issues