HP DAT 72 USB external

Dear colleagues,
Currently i’m using external usb tape drive as below

tape drive model:HP DAT 72 USB external
cartridge:HP DAT 72 data cartridge,72GB

From the understanding, for scsi tape drive is detected as /dev/nst0 or /dev/st0 in linux. Do anyone have experience on setting up external usb tape drive in linux?

Installing USB drivers on Linux

Two drivers are required in order to use HP DAT USB tape drives. These are included with the
operating system and should be loaded automatically.

Use the following procedure to check that both drivers are present:
usb_storage driver

  1. At the command prompt type:
    lsmod | grep usb_storage

  2. The output of this command should contain a line similar to:
    usb_storage 61193 0

If the line is not present type

modprobe usb_storage

at the command line to load the usb-storage driver.

st tape driver

  1. At the command prompt type:
    lsmod | grep st

  2. The output of this command should contain a line similar to:
    st 35933 0

If the line is not present type:
modprobe st

at the command line to load the st driver.