Logitech Harmoney Remotes

If anyone is still using Windows just so they can program there Harmony remote, try Concordance.

Check out Concordance for information on the project and the latest version, or Concordance Packages for install packages for a couple of distros.

Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I am wondering if anyone knows where to find more recent OpenSuse packages for Concordance?

Latest source release on sourceforge is from august 2010 - not so old.
Concordance - Browse /concordance at SourceForge.net
I would try to compile it from source.

I was hoping to avoid compiling from source. I attempted to install from a Fedora RPM, however, the dependencies were not available.

How does one go about requesting this be added to available packages for OpenSuse?

I installed congruity and concordance today from http://software.opensuse.org/search?q=congruity&baseproject=ALL&lang=en&include_home=true. Maybe this helps you?

However, for me congruity fails to detect the remote. I believe to remember that this was just a rights issue, and I had it working with 11.3, but I cannot remember to resolve it again for now.

Yes, very helpful. I got it installed. Now I just need to find that USB cable.


Please post back if it works for you. I really cannot remember what is going wrong and why the detection of the remote fails for me now. It used to work with 11.3. :frowning: