My Cat Sat on the Keyboard and ...

Hi. I’m pretty good with some parts of Linux, but when my cat sat on the keyboard and I got the pictured results, I wasn’t quite sure what it was or how to get rid of it.

It’s like little red pointer lines squiggled all over the screen that came nowhere when my cat disrupted my computer’s solitude.

It’s probably something simple, but I don’t know how to get rid of it, and it sits atop all other programs/applications. It just gets in the way.

A restart took care of it!

Very sophicticated cat-art indeed lol!

At least it wasn’t cat - astrophic rotfl!

Maybe your cat is an alien in disguise trying to give you the secret to save the world. lol!

deano ferrari wrote:
> At least it wasn’t cat - astrophic rotfl!

LOL!! you beat everything i could think of:

  1. teach your cat not to play with mechanical mice…

  2. anyone up at 6 AM deserves trouble!

  3. lock the keyboard or get the cat a job as a Computer/Graphics-Art

hmmmm…i guess this is a lap top and Kitty found it a nice and warm
place to nap:

  1. close the lid or expect the worst

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
posted via NNTP w/TBird | KDE 3.5.7 | openSUSE 10.3 SMP i686
AMD Athlon 1 GB RAM | GeForce FX 5500 | ASRock K8Upgrade-760GX |
CMedia 9761 AC’97 Audio

It’s a feature !!! By walking on the keyboard it activated the plugin. At least that’s my 2 cents.

Maybe using ‘dog’ instead of ‘cat’ will change the behaviour:

zypper in dog
whereis cat
whereis dog
man dog

Yes, linux is very animal friendly, all this works. If not, pipe ‘nicotine’, ‘kaffeine’, ‘codeine’ into ‘cat’ or ‘dog’ and post results :wink:

My output:

LapTop:/home/glosscomputer # zypper in dog
Gegevens van installatiebron laden...
Lezen van geïnstalleerde pakketten...
Afhankelijkheden tussen pakketten oplossen...

Het volgende NIEUWE pakket zal worden geïnstalleerd:

1 nieuw te installeren pakket.
Totale downloadgrootte: 24,0 KiB Na de operatie zal aanvullend 48,0 KiB worden gebruikt.
Doorgaan? [j/n/?] (j): j
pakket dog-1.7-186.1.x86_64 wordt opgehaald (1/1), 24,0 KiB (48,0 KiB uitgepakt)
Ophalen: dog-1.7-186.1.x86_64.rpm [klaar]
Installeert dog-1.7-186.1 [klaar]

LapTop:/home/glosscomputer # whereis cat
cat: /bin/cat /usr/share/man/man1/cat.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1p/cat.1p.gz

LapTop:/home/glosscomputer # whereis dog
dog: /usr/bin/dog /usr/bin/X11/dog /usr/share/man/man1/dog.1.gz

LapTop:/home/glosscomputer # man dog
DOG(1)                                                                          User Manuals                                                                          DOG(1)

       dog - better than cat

Looks like the “Annotate with mouse” KDE4 composite effect.

If so, to clear the annotations press META+SHIFT+F11, where META is the win key.

You can also disable it if Desktop effects>All Effects>Annotate with mouse (or something similar, my system is not in english).

The cat was interested in the Firefox.

Usually cats prefer mice to keyboards :slight_smile:

That was in the days of KDE3. KDE4 introduced a new under-the-hood security app called Katscan.

You have to cut the cat some slack. Computers have impoverished their lives immensely. Back in the days of mechanical typewriters, my cat used to gingerly press a key with one paw only to catch the letter coming up with the other. Compared to that, computers are boring…