11.2 kde4 4.3 burning windows effect missing


i am installing 11.2 for a friend of mine and one of the reasons he wanted linux was that cool looking burning windows when you close them.

so i installed it and wanted to activate the effect but i could not find it.

i am pretty sure i got it running on my 11.1.

i searched the web for hours but was not successful. maybe i used the wrong tags.

can u help me please!

You cannot find the desktop effects in KDE or the burning effect?

If the desktop effects, you can find it in configure desktop(Personal settings) and choose Desktop there.

yes of course i know where the effects are being configured. at least i think i do. but there is no burning windows anymore. just the magic lamb and the explosion and one more i think.

is there a easy way to get buring windows in there or am i just to stupid to activate it.

Personally i am using kwin for long time, and did not see this effect. You said, its there and working in 11.1, are you using kwin or compiz? and how about your friend system, kwin or compiz?

well i am using compiz and it was in the extra effects package. the name was firepaint i think. you can see this effect on lot of screenshots.

but ive checked and compiz isnt even installed on a default 11.2 installation. is it kwin then?

this is the effect i am looking for:


just do a google image search for “linux burning windows” or “linux burning effect” and you will see some screenshots.

this is really popular thats why i wonder why its not part of opensuse 11.2

Because it’s not a KWin4 effect but a Compiz one.

i am a little confused about this different approches to have desktop effects.

so shall i install compiz now?

do i have any disadvanteges because of that?


You really shouldn’t tamper with Compiz without fully realizing the myriad of issues that it may come with, including instability and program compatibility issues.

For more information, please refer to,
Compiz Fusion - openSUSE

so i installed compiz like described here:
Compiz Fusion on 4.3 X - openSUSE Forums

but still no burning windows …

i am disapointed and my friend will be even more.

You do not only have to install it, you have to run and configure it as well.