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  1. Why there is no option for staying logged in? Every time I go to forums.opensuse.org I have to log in…

  2. Even when logged in, if i close the tab I logged in and have posts opened in other tabs, those other tabs will log out…

Any ideas ?


Check this thread

:expressionless: that’s too bad.

Yep, happens to be the most annoying thing I have ever seen at a forum.

It also plays hell with “some” google results, if not logged in they don’t take you to the thread, but instead just to the main page.

To be honest I get sick of logging n several times a day, to the point that it sometimes just keeps me from coming here.

kgroneman wrote:
> Check ‘this thread’ (http://tinyurl.com/6wvfsw)

Wait. That thread says: “The session timeout is controlled by iChain,
which manages single sign on for all openSUSE sites. It’s a global
setting for governing all Novell/openSUSE sites, and beyond our control.”

Which means no one at Novell cares enough about the frustration
caused here to tweak THEIR iChain product to SERVE the community,
rather than not.

If iChain is not configurable enough to protect the different areas
of novell.com and opensuse.org at different levels of protection,
then it OUGHT to be tweaked. That is, obviously there IS a need to
enforce a one hour time out on novell.com, that is GREAT–enforce it
there. But there is obviously no need for such here–point to any
other open source community which has such a tyrannical ‘security’ rule!

Is it NOT possible for Novell’s iChain to be set up to enforce
different timeout rules at different “sites” or more likely, to
different ‘directories’ in the same geodispersed net?

If it is NOT possible, shouldn’t it be? If it is possible shouldn’t
someone implement it?

Why just keep giving us the smile and cold shoulder of “it is beyond
our control”. Is the iChain product so inflexible as to NOT serve the
needs of the client?


i personally have no problem if I have to sign back in. There are far worse things that could happen. Something that takes a few seconds at the most shouldn’t annoy people. Be thankful you have the ability to log in the forum, roof over your head, food, clean water.

I also have my username and password saved in firefox so I don’t have to type it. :slight_smile: